Monday, January 24, 2011

some of world famous cusines icons

Takha and Sanya Khuna

The hottest and most famous cusine during winter season,
Takha (originally Ta Khwa, meaning ‘frozen stuff’) is a frozen dish made from buffalo meat (only male buffalo meat is acceptable in a typical Newari kitchen). Sanya Khuna (sanya is ‘dried fish’; khuna means ‘boiled or cooked’) is a frozen fish soup. Both Takha and Sanya Khuna are often prepared and served together, due to the similar preparation methods.At a typical Newari feast or special winter occasions like
especially in Kathmandu.Dashain, Tihar, Indra Jatra (in Kathmandu), Gai Jatra, Bisket Jatra (in Bhaktapur) and Seto Machhindra Nath Rath Yatra (in Patan), Takha and Sanya Khuna are served along with almost a dozen other items and rice or rice flakes (baji in Newari and chiura in Nepali). After all, Newars are well known for serving very nutritious and balanced food. Furthermore, they tend to utilise each and every edible bit of their ingredients in a sensible manner.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Best cusine around the world

Newars are rich in their culture and many events. Among them "Bhoj" is the most commonly famous among all people around the globe. The cusines are world famous. Most of cusine are specially for some special occasion and festivals.